PT-141 Peptide Overview and Research Applications

PT-141 Peptide Overview and Research Applications

PT-141 is a research peptide that has garnered interest due to its unique structure and potential interactions with specific types of cells and tissues. More specifically, PT-141 is a heptapeptide made of seven amino acids and has the following sequence:...
SS-31 Peptide: Research in Mitochondrial Functionality

SS-31 Peptide: Research in Mitochondrial Functionality

SS-31, also recognized as MTP-131, represents a tetrapeptide that has attracted considerable attention  in the research community due to its prospective implications in mitochondrial dysfunction.(1) Distinguishing itself with a distinctive cationic 3+ charge under...
Testagen Peptide: Thyroid Research and Studies on Senescence

Testagen Peptide: Thyroid Research and Studies on Senescence

Testagen, aptly named as a testosterone-boosting bioregulatory peptide, exhibits a notable potential to traverse both cellular and nuclear membranes, engaging directly with DNA. Extensive research suggests that Testagen may possibly stimulate the anterior pituitary...
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