What is MGF Peptide?

Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) is a derivative of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), a hormone with a molecular structure similar to insulin. MGF is a peptide product of peptide splicing and is closely correlated with IGF-1. The hormone IGF-1, also known as Somatomedin C, is an insulin-like hormone. It has 70 amino acids in a single chain with three intramolecular disulfide bridges. IGF-1 is mainly produced in the liver, though researchers have observed its generation in target tissues elsewhere in the paracrine. The main stimulus for its production is Growth Hormone (GH). IGF-1 circulates and is bound to one of the six binding proteins,  considered primarily to bind to IGFBP-3.



Naturally occurring IGF-1 has been widely researched, and scientists have isolated MGF in the hopes of enhancing on specific proposed characteristics of IGF-1. Researchers have suggested MGF may hold potentially analogous action due to its apparent specific action on muscle satellite cells.

Muscle satellite cells are multi-potent stem cells, classified as ‘undifferentiated cells.’ In other words, they are considered to divide, re-divide, and mature into various types of cells. Their proliferation appears to play a role in tissue regeneration and muscle mass build-up through the increase in the number of muscle fibers. Researchers have reported MGF may introduce them back into the cell cycle, which may help them to perform these functions.

Additionally, MGF may exhibit neuroprotective potential in ischaemic brain tissue. This is attributed to its possible capacity to reduce neuronal loss and infarct area.

BPC-157 and TB-500 have been heavily researched for their potential in tissue repair and cell function maintenance. Recent studies suggest that MGF may exert similar impact, expressed as pulses following muscle damage, which has been linked to the activation of muscle satellite (stem) cells. Once activated, these stem cells appear to divide and differentiate to form muscle fibers, possibly resulting in hastened tissue repair.


MGF Peptide and Muscle Cells

Researchers have posited through cell research that certain MGF characteristics may mirror similar action on muscle cell development as anabolic-androgenic steroids. Further research in this field within laboratory settings have supported the hypothesis that MGF may potentially  produce similar action as steroids on muscle cell proliferation and development, and that it may exhibit focused the action of muscle satellite cells. Unlike steroids, MGF was not observed in the course of the research studies to have exhibited systemic impacts or to have targeted other organs.

NOTE: These products are intended for laboratory research use only. This peptide is not intended for personal use. Please review and adhere to our Terms and Conditions before ordering.

Dr. Marinov

Dr. Marinov (MD, Ph.D.) is a researcher and chief assistant professor in Preventative Medicine & Public Health. Prior to his professorship, Dr. Marinov practiced preventative, evidence-based medicine with an emphasis on Nutrition and Dietetics. He is widely published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and specializes in peptide therapy research.

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