Fig1 – Thymagen Chemical Structure(2)
Latest Research on Thymagen
Thymagen Peptide and Immune Cell Sensitisation
As suggested by Demidov et al., one of the key ways Thymagen peptide may exert its actions on immune cells may be by modulating the balance between cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP).(3) These cyclic nucleotides are considered essential second messengers involved in intracellular signaling pathways that regulate a variety of cellular processes, including immune responses. The ratio of cAMP to cGMP within immune cells is particularly important because it determines the direction and magnitude of immune responses. A balanced cAMP/cGMP ratio ensures proper signaling and functioning of immune cells like lymphocytes and macrophages. During immune sensitization—a process where the immune system becomes hypersensitive to specific antigens—the cAMP/cGMP ratio tends to decrease. This imbalance may disrupt normal cellular signaling pathways, leading to exaggerated immune responses or chronic inflammation. A decreased ratio may impair the immune cells’ ability to regulate their activity properly, potentially contributing to autoimmune disorders or heightened allergic reactions.
Thymagen peptide appears to modulate the cAMP/cGMP ratio by influencing the activity of phosphodiesterases, the enzymes responsible for breaking down cyclic nucleotides. By potentially increasing the activity of these enzymes, Thymagen may promote the catabolism of excess cAMP and cGMP, helping to restore their balance within the cell. Consequently, by normalizing the cAMP/cGMP ratio, Thymagen may help maintain cellular homeostasis even under conditions that typically cause imbalances, such as immune sensitization. This balance is posited as crucial for proper immune cell signaling and function, mitigating overactivation or underactivation of immune responses.
Thymagen Peptide and Immune Cell Responsiveness
Iushchuk et al. have also suggested that Thymagen peptide may modulate the immune response in experimental models of Yersinia enterocolitica infections.(4) One of its key actions posited by the researchers was decreasing polyclonal immune activation. In this state, multiple clones of immune cells become overactivated, which may lead to an excessive and potentially harmful immune response. By possibly reducing this overactivation, Thymagen peptide may help mitigate the development of autoimmune reactions that might occur during such infections.
In addition to possibly modulating the adaptive immune response, Thymagen peptide may support the nonspecific defense mechanisms within infected cells and tissues. This potential may involve bolstering the innate immune system’s first line of defense, including the activity of macrophages and natural killer cells. Potentially strengthening these innate responses may lead to reduced dissemination of Yersinia enterocolitica bacteria to other tissues, potentially suppressing the infection. By limiting bacterial spread, Thymagen may facilitate the elimination of the infective agents by immune cells.
Thymagen Peptide and Cardiac Cells
Studies by Filippova et al. in cardiac cells suggest that Thymagen peptide may have actions that mitigate damage to these cells in ischaemic conditions. However, the researchers noted that they may not define the exact mechanism of action for this observation. They concluded that “The mechanism of the thymogen anti-ischemic action is realized without the participation of the opiate receptors and blockade of calcium entrance into the cardiomyocytes.”(5)
Thymagen Peptide and Tumor Cells
Thymagen appears to have a protective action against tumor cell development in experimental models, and this is likely linked to its ability to stimulate the immune system. Bespalov et al. commented that “Thymogen decreased the tumor incidence by 12% and made tumor multiplicity 1.7 times as low.”(6) Thymagen is believed to support the activity of the immune system, particularly by stimulating T-cell function, which plays a crucial role in identifying and destroying abnormal cells, including cancer cells. By boosting the immune response, Thymagen may support immune cells’ ability to detect and eliminate cells that have undergone malignant transformation due to carcinogen exposure. The stimulated immune cells might secrete cytokines and other factors that inhibit tumor cell proliferation and induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in tumor cells. By reducing both the incidence and number of tumors, Thymagen may interfere with the early stages of tumor development and mitigate the progression from benign to malignant states.
An experiment by Anisimov et al. further reported that Thymagen peptide may lead to a noticeable reduction in the occurrence and incidence of tumor cells induced by radiation exposure.(7) This reduction was especially significant in cell lines originating from breast tissue. Moreover, the study observed that cells exposed only to Thymagen, without any radionuclide exposure, exhibited a longer lifespan and a slower rate of cellular aging. There was also a lower overall occurrence of both malignant and benign tumor cells in these research models. These results imply that Thymagen may have a broader role in influencing cellular aging processes and tumor development, extending beyond its interaction with radiation-induced carcinogenesis.
Thymagen Peptide and Immune Cell Deficiency
Studies by Zhuk et al. suggest that Thymagen peptide may alleviate signs of secondary immunodeficiency by activating the maturation and function of T cells, which are crucial components of the adaptive immune system.(8) The researchers conducted experiments in research models of autoimmunity. They suggested that positive outcomes were noted in 94.4% of models, while 83.3% of models indicated positive changes in laboratory markers of immune function.
Further research into secondary immune cell deficiency by Khmel’nitskiĭ et al. suggests that the peptide may also mitigate the severity of fungal infections like candidiasis.(9) The central hypothesis is that Thymagen peptide may activate the immune system, including components such as the thymus gland, thereby supporting the immune system’s ability to combat infections. This suggests that Thymagen peptide may bolster the immune cells response, leading to a more potent defense against fungal pathogens.
NOTE: These products are intended for laboratory research use only. This peptide is not intended for personal use. Please review and adhere to our Terms and Conditions before ordering.
- Khavinson, V. K., Lin’kova, N. S., & Tarnovskaya, S. I. (2016). Short peptides regulate gene expression. Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine, 162(2), 288-292.
- PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 100094, Oglufanide; [cited 2024 Oct. 10]. Available from:
- Demidov, S. V., Kostromin, A. N., Kuĭbeda, V. V., Chernaia, I. V., & Borovok, M. I. (1991). Vliianie timagena, timalina i vilozena na soderzhanie cAMP, cGMP i aktivnost’ fosfodiésteraz v limfotsitakh selezenki pri sensibilizatsii i anafilakticheskom shoke [Effect of Thymagen peptide, thymalin and vilosen on the cAMP and cGMP levels and phosphodiesterase activity in spleen lymphocytes during sensitization and anaphylactic shock]. Ukrainskii biokhimicheskii zhurnal (1978), 63(4), 104–106.
- Iushchuk, N. D., Tseneva, G. I.a, Alenushkina, T. V., & Kuliashova, L. B. (1995). Effektivnost’ primeneniia timogena pri éksperimental’noĭ infektsii, vyzvannoĭ Yersinia enterocolitica [The efficacy of using thymogen in an experimental infection caused by Yersinia enterocolitica]. Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, (3), 106–108.
- Filippova OV, Reznikov KM, Alabovskił VV, Khamburov VV, Vinokurov AA. Vliianie timogena na sostoianie serdtsa pri ishemii i reperfuzii [The effect of thymogen on the heart in ischemia and reperfusion]. Eksp Klin Farmakol. 1997 May-Jun;60(3):27-9. Russian. PMID: 9324392.
- Bespalov VG, Troian DN, Petrov AS, Morozov VG, Khavinson VKh. Ingibiruiushchiĭ éffekt timogena na razvitie opukholeĭ pishchevoda i predzheludka, indutsirovannykh étilovym éfirom N-nitrozosarkozina u krys [Inhibiting effect of thymogen on the development of tumors of the esophagus and forestomach induced by N-nitrososarcosine ethyl ester in rats]. Eksp Onkol. 1989;11(4):23-6. Russian. PMID: 2759010.
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- Khmel’nitskiĭ OK, Iakovlev GM, Belianin VL, Khavinson VKh, Morozov VG, Deĭgin VI. Vliianie sinteticheskogo peptida timusa (timogena) na immunnuiu sistemu pri kandidoze v usloviiakh immunodepressii [The effect of a synthetic thymus peptide (thymogen) on the immune system in candidiasis under immunodepression]. Arkh Patol. 1990;52(1):20-5. Russian. PMID: 2337388.